The player hitbox size

I’m making a platformer and there is a drop into a really small gap, does any one know the dimensions of the hitbox so I can puch it to its limits.

Theres a whole topic on hitboxes somewhere let me get u the link!
Found it!
Hope this helps!

A player can fall down through a one block vertical gap, but can’t walk through a one block horizontal hole, if this helps

I haven’t added the Hitboxes from the platformer yet, the platformer has slightly different Hitboxes,

The guide itself is dedicated to top-down

okay ummm… forget i ever said that then sorry!

Totally fine, I figured there weren’t many resources. Thanks for trying though!

Ye happy to help now if you found what ur looking for I don’t know if u have but coderdash should have helped at least then mark a solution so this topic can close

If you use grid snap and set it the 64 a player can fit that distance

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Oh thats actually really helpful, Thanks!

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