You’ve made your dream house (in Gimkit) but there is one problem, it’s a little boring. OH YEAH!!! FURNITURE!!!
I’ve tried to make furniture in the past and it didn’t work. I saw this in a creative game and saw there wasn’t a guide so I decided to make a basic one.
Question, how do you get it to say GuMa in the guide? Whenever I go on Creative it always shows my real name, which is really annoying to give permissions and open somewhere else if I need to screenshot it.
I was hoping no one saw me oops- Me who totally didn’t forget about that topic- We should probably discuss this in your topic (apologizes though, I completely forgot if I’m being totally honest) @Toothless
Well yeah @Txme_Lxss, but most computers already have a ton of emojis- (I’m not really sure how to explain how you access them). That’s kinda cool I guess- (but is it really making furniture?) No disrespect or anything I just want to see your “vision”, I guess you would call it that, @GuMa