The gimaginor's study: the wonderous table! part one chapters 1 + 2

to get the table employment system to hire me as a table



lol I love that loll

it even said it in the first paragraph


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Now you need a chapter 3 on custom tables

What an intriguing find @SirWyWy

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The first reference to a chair was made in Egypt around 5800 years ago. The Egyptian artisans -CM Cadeiras


Just message him and he can check if this account is an alternate one.

I like this! I like the use of different fonts! No offense but I don’t really need an encyclopedia of tables for gimkit. but still, nice guide!

Bro no please no wars here.

Then war it isn’t. This is a stupid argument. So what, it’s a long and winding guide. It still teaches something. If you don’t like it, don’t use it.

And also, not everybody is gonna love everything you make. Plenty of people will question your work, you have to ignore and report them. Wars dont fix anything, they just cause chaos.

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I wasn’t yry to say that I was meant to say-
I don’t want to get into a fight over this
I am reall bad at English explains why I got a C+

I’m sorry if that sounded odd

thats because me and gimpenetrable are cose friends and at the time of making this is as on her comp-

They do provide one thing though. a lesson to learn from the mistakes made in war so I do not agree there is nothing to gain from a war because there is
“through pain we gain strength”
whilst I do agree having an argument is bad on here
so having a calm discussion about a persons mistakes or criticism helps one learn and gimkit is an educational game is it not?
by saying we gain nothing from a war on here is saying to forget the lessons we learned from before that made this forum a better place I cannot agree with your statement that is my opinon that is all

See but the cost of war is the issue, in this case, off an off topic war risks the forums being blocked by schools. Pick your poison lol


A regular is here. Mwah ha ha ha ha!! Who will make you drink boba tea forever!! [1]

  1. JK! I’m not evil. Pretty good guide. ↩︎


I think everyone knows the definition of a chair and table. Even Kindergartners know what they are.