The Fusioninian Alternate to the Pop-up Shop! (Difficulty 1/10 or 🟦 )


First place down a crafting table (You don’t have to change anything)
Then get a crafting recipe (Use items you wouldn’t use in your maps) use as many items because these become your options later

Then place down an invisible vending machine each of your items

Then wire the crafter and vending machine like so

Then add an item granter that grants you the item used to vote and make it wire to the vending machine like so

Then place down an button which has a wire connecting to the item granter so you can start voting
Then you can put the channels Option 1,Option 2,Option 3 so and so forth anywhere you want!
Final product image

(The code doesn’t work)

  • Difficulty 0/10 or :white_large_square:
  • Difficulty 1/10 or :blue_square:
  • Difficulties 2/10, 3/10, or :green_square:
  • Difficulties 4/10, 5/10, or :yellow_square:
  • Difficulties 6/10, 7/10, or :orange_square:
  • Difficulties 8/10, 9/10 or :red_square:
  • Difficulty 10/10, or :purple_square:
  • Difficulty 11/10, :black_large_square:
0 voters

Happy gimkitting!

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this is very easy and simple to do but it doesn’t seem like it needs a guide on it

No, it’s fine.

Whoever voted 0/10, that’s only for art.

that honestly makes more sense when I think about it

Nice guide, @FusionLord!

@Microwavedwaffles, Its’ an option menu - an alternate pop up shop. Let me fix the title.