The Coolcadian RNG Game (WIP) (Difficulty: 5/10 or 🟧)

alright sorry
heres my idea
so you use a crafting table to make stuff with the items
and then you use something like a game overlay to use it. but there will be a lot of game overlays because 1 for each item

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btw, could you add how to make the items? like the auras and stuff

what do you mean by “make them?” are you talking about the crafting recipes for the guantlets?

(i have to update it because era 7 released last friday)

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Yeah, thanks

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Bump because I still need to add some stuff to this :skull:
not that i know what to add…

bump. i have no idea what to add now

@buang please do not edit the wiki. in fact, you deleted the part where i asked not to. it’s not funny, its actually pretty mean.

this is a great guide !!

also, welcome back @Coolcaden26!!1 :D
(kinda late but wtv lol)

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yeah i kinda just took a break over the summer to uh…

yeah i just played sols rng and chatted on the sols rng discord…

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@adagio_sostenuto PLEASE DO NOT EDIT THE WIKI

@Coolcaden26 sorry I miss rewad and thought it said RPG so I added the RPG tag then realised it said rng so I removed the RPG tag.]…\


  1. not being mean but I am sorry for editing on a wiki and string to be helpfull ↩︎

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don’t worry you’re fine

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ok thanks for not getting mad at me

how do you make those three dots in the box?

do this step one ^ step two [ ] combine it all to make [1]

  1. ↩︎


[1] , got it thank you!

  1. Test ↩︎

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yay you got it [1] [2] [3] @The_dog

  1. good job ↩︎

  2. hope it helped ↩︎

  3. there is no limit to how many you can put in a scentance ↩︎


Nice guide, @Coolcaden26 !


what is rng btw???/

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Random number generator. Games with like luck and chance.