*~~**The Simplified Guide to a Dungeon Crawler**~~* 🟧 5/10 (Go to V2.0!)

It’s a wip, so it needs to be changed. Good guide. Excited for finished product.

Great Guide!!

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If/when this gets finished, it’ll be amazing! Wow!

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Nice! Amazing Guide!

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Nice guide, @harharharhar83!

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Great guide! would i still be able to implement something like this How to Create a Save File For Your Players to it?

Isn’t there already a tug on dungeon crawler?

Wow this is great! Thanks for using pictures - they are powerful!

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I see I have started a cultural phenomenon…


@UnityHavoc I suppose if you add checkpoints.


loved a guide :heart_eyes: :money_mouth_face: :+1:

show me screen shots when you are done i would love to see them

The pictures are awesome by the way

You should use a hunger system.

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@Caternaught Would you mind making me a wiki? I am going to make an Among Us tug and I think it would be easier on a wiki. If not that’s fine.

I can do it!

What do you want the name of the wiki to be?

@MirMirCreates Thanks! You can name it TUG to making Among Us in Gimkit?

Ok! Going to do that now

there is already a tug for among us