The Camera View: Why You Should Use It šŸ“·

Ok, let me ask if this can stay up. Iā€™m not trying to get banned, but itā€™s best if I can ask for permission beforehand.


I agree! Still, Camara View is really awesome.

for @Blizzy only

Would you be an alliance with the Organization Of Awesome Hydras(OOAH)?

Alright. I have messaged the mods and hope to have a response. In the meantime, letā€™s leave this topic alone until I have one.

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Thatā€™s good. Just donā€™t tag this psa, though

@Dark_Hydra You do know that dragons have no relation with hydras? We are the rulers of the skies and seas, while youā€¦ Nevermind that. Whereas alliances only come with trusted sources. I will give you a year of freedom from being dragon food. Alliances will come later.




@Gimkit101! Help me out here please.(about relations) send herā€¦ the facts. (Sentry knockout game) also, thanks @Blizzy!!

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No mo chatting. Now.

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What do u need? As long as itā€™s something on topic, Iā€™ll help.

TBH, Dragons arenā€™t related to Hydras, and you should be lucky to be spared from the Dragon Apocolypse (itā€™s coming soon).

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Please stop. You keep pinging them and I want this topic to be silent right now.
And thatā€™s off-topic. Please do not do that here.

And donā€™t be off-topic.


I will always stand by The Camera View! Another thing it can be used for is shops and houses in RPGs!


Should I change the title (for now) so people donā€™t reply? (as we all know many people donā€™t read the replies)

  • yes
  • no
0 voters
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What would you change it to?

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dont reply, awaiting approval

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I suppose that would be nice. Ok.

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This is perfectly fine. Itā€™s just like the repeaters psa. Flagging this makes no sense, itā€™s perfectly fine to have a guide discussing how you should use a device that often goes under used.


Iā€™m confused, we never flagged itā€¦

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Flagging/saying it should be deleted/putting donā€™t reply


That was the OP that said to not reply.


Then who flagged it.
Thatā€™s the question.

Also I was offline.

But this is perfectly fine, I think Iā€™ll go add the camera view into my map right now.

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Thatā€™s the thing, it was never flagged

Or was it?