The BrownSugarAlien guide to making sweets!

I don’t believe clicking ctrl + z o a guide is going to take away the edits


Poor Sugar.
She must be getting a horde of notifications


Alright, I’m Back! I didn’t get too many notifications.

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Sorry for wasting everyone’s time.

This guide is free for all. So you can make any of these ideas and you don’t need to credit me either. Gimkit knows…

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Ok, understood

@Rainbow, what did you change???


when Rainbow gets done may I create one of the ideas?

Of course! Be sure to say created by your name after the idea is done.

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You can go ahead @Y0ur_L0cal_Weird0

@Y0ur_L0cal_Weird0, I don’t see what you changed :face_with_raised_eyebrow:.

Checklist change… I felt weird changing on someone elses checklist idk why…


Next time, only edit the wiki if you are going to add an idea or make an idea that’s listed.

This was a dum b idea

it looks great! you should make a different version of the popsicle with a brighter color, since thats what i think of when i think of a popsicle

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can I add this in the guide?


Ooh. Of course!

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You can add that Rainbow. Just make the Ice cream longer.

Thank you @Grahamathan15!!

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