The BrownSugarAlien guide to making sweets! Part 2

Okay! I finished!
Screenshot 2024-10-20 4.56.53 PM

Do you want to add that to the guide?

Here’s my lemonade.


That looks actually kinda spot on
also nice lemonade :>

YES!! I have to go somewhere, so I will add it in a few hours.

The lemonade made me think of a milkshake and I felt like making more barrier art so-


ADD THAT TO THE GUIDE. I command you to @SnoopyOTG.

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lol ok I need to do something rq first though so brb
Edit: Back lemme get to it
Second Edit: Done!

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Amazing milkshake @SnoopyOTG. (Vote in a topic called Poll for thumbnail! (Post 369)

should I make something?

How do you make the black outline for the text? I can’t figure it out!

@Toothless Click on the text and hit appearance then scroll to the bottom where it says stroke width and just type how thick you want the outline and you can change the color of the outline

Me personally, there should not have been a part 2 unless there is a genuine reason.

its just the other one got so full up, I think it was reasonable

the part 1 hit the wiki character limit

Ohhh, makes sense. So now she gets a like :slight_smile:


@BrownSugarAlien since everyone is making juices, can I make apple juice?


[resists the nerve to make hibiscus tea now-]


Yes. Everybody who asked to make something go ahead and make it but show me the image beforehand.

I would never had made this guide if the character limit was endless. It would be more convenient to have just one guide. It was very successful.

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