The Atoms of Gimkit

It’s incredibly niche. If it could take items while standing still, it would be the breath meter.

Why does the thing in brackets say to ignore that?

It was for the farm sonogram thing.

i thought of something, might be dumb, but a popup is basically a big notification with game overlays


The starting inventory can be made with a lifecycle and an item granter


Movement meter, questioner, and inventory item manager are some atoms. As well as triggers.

No you would need a relay or only one person would get the item

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I tried it and it worked though

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Did you use multiple accounts to verify?

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Do you mean multiple player tabs



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Wait it only gave to the game host


That’s the problem…

vending machines can be made with checkers and item granters.
it also uses less memory but not a big difference


Yeah, but vending machines are visible.

Add in a blackboard prop to make something like a vending machine.

Yeah, but still. The blackboard doesn’t look that much like it. There are stripes on the vending machine! Ahem.

Put some suspension of disbelief on top, and it looks exactly the same.

i agree that the checker - item granter method for a vending machine takes up a little less memory than an actual vending machine, but think of how much more can be accomplished with vending machines only for a little more memory. For example, funding, and item descriptions. You can also customize the colors of a vending machine. They also have adaptive cost, and stock. Actually tbh i never even thought of the stock option, it could be used in games that have grocery stores.


Yeah, funding and adaptive cost hit hard when you think about it. And stock it really nice too, although it was only used in farmchain.