The Atoms of Gimkit

Haha no, I’m not that crazy (yet).

As for counters- I don’t know, I’m not the biggest fan of using them in place of triggers, but they certainly are super cool in some situations.

Yeah, that’s what I thought (answer for both). I agree with you on the triggers part.

(this is the moment where getrithekd and shdwy will appear and start rambling about counters)

you can make a crafting recipe out of…
a popup


This post is why I started talking about counters:

No. Just no. Counters can compare properties, add 2 properties, and make an item generator, all for less memory than that a block. Next, counters themselves are pseudo triggers, excluding the pressure plate usage and the name block. In every important field (maybe not pressure plate), counters top triggers.

How much memory does a trigger use up compared to a counter?

(I have no opinion yet in this debate)

I was right ahem

Counters use 25 mem compared to triggers’ 40 mem. However, Turing completeness is lost when replacing triggers with counters. (No name thing anymore)

Nah it’s my own counter-efficiency guides that got me. They just blow my mind with the efficiency.

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Would it be possible to entangle channels using counters? Because reading this shows me how powerful counters can be, they might just be my favorite device now after this, so if it’s possible to save memory in entanglement, even just a little bit, it would help me a lot since I’m always trying to optimize my game as much as possible.

What’s channel entanglement?

Using triggers so when one channel is broadcasted, another is always broadcasted unless it’s disabled.

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If not though, I can just revise most of the systems my games use using counters anyway, so thank you for bringing this up, since they seem way more helpful, especially with the logic in my game and just generally too.

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How? I have never heard about this, and it seems extremely useful. Could you explain?

I made a guide on comparing properties. Adding is just 2 for loops. Same with item generator.


even better, an item image, a button, and an item granter

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yes yes, that’s a good one MYSZ

props can be replaced with barriers, like barrier art

I think we’re only dealing with devices, not props


ohh, didn’t see that want me 2 delete the post

@M13TheCreator youre back?