The Art of Concatenation: Credits to @Zypheir and @Blackhole927- Difficulty 7.5/10 or 🟧

bump (yay 101st reply here)

This is kinda confusing :[

you just use existing patterns to simplify block code (or just simplify it outright)

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Nevermind, the guide is just poorly-worded. I get it now.

If “Get property” “BUMP” is “B and U and M and P”
Do "Brodcast message on channel ‘MEGA BUMP’ "

My eyes!

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Ahhh… this brings back some nostalgia.


the art of war
nice guide!!
this is gonna help me a lot

so if i understand correctly, basicwlly youre able to simplify else if loops to

set [var] to random integer from # to #
create text with broadcast message on channel [ch name]

and if i’m correct, the channel should broadcast on [channel name] and the value of the variable, so then you could create channels that receive on from the first # (number) to the last one?

bump ig

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i wish @Zypheir came back hes really good at explaining this type of stuff and it could benefit the newgens


me too :sob:


im making a guide on uneven concatenation, it will be drop… soon
sneak peak below:



I’m not sure that a linear regression would be the best for this… You’d need it to perfectly fit the points, which linear regressions typically can’t do.


Erm, that’s cool and all, but the guide may or may not just be an excuse to ramble about unrelated topics for a while and its not supposed to be totally accurate, as shown in a disclaimer at the start mr rithek

Okay, I just realized that i said “Okay,” way too much in the guide. Hope y’all are fine with that.


i love cows

should i rewrite this guide and put it in the previous next previous nraoicurionuaewiocrnewauciornewuriocewacr post

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ok thanks

Check the edit history for the guide because I don’t want to have a big wall of text here.


aw the big wall was nice

This guide is awesome


I couldn’t find a method that works all the time and is more efficient, so I didn’t make a guide on it. I might have another method though…

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