The arsenian guide on Phighting characters (VERY WIP)

Ok chances are that you have no idea what that title means so let me break it down for you: Phighting is a hero shooter on Roblox similar to Tf2 and Overwatch (1, not 2). Thats a simplified explnation of it but you get the gist. So i’d thought it’d be fun to re-create the classes in Gimkit Melee, ranged, and support. There are some characters that will be difficult to re-create (Which, I will explain in their respective catagories) but I think it won’t that hard.
(Also if i’m wrong and there is a way to do things please let me know)


Oh this is easy. Let’s start with m1. We’ll start by getting an rare or epic pickaxe (Your choice). For m2 (A dash) we’ll just get an overlay and set it to a channel that activates on it press. Q can’t be re-created right now because we need those gems from color clash. E (Also a dash) is the same thing as m2, just more powerful. Finally his Phinisher, (Phinisher=Ultamite) can’t be re-created as it requires an expl0sion.


Skateboard has 2 modes: On-board and off-board. I am only going to re-create the off-board kit because of one thing: Tricks. You see, skate can’t be on his board all the time. He has a meter that is constantly ticking down and the only way he can move the meter up is by tricking (Or pressing m1 on an edge) off objects. And that’s impossible currently. So i’ll be doing the off-board kit instead. M1 is just a default pickaxe attack and m2 is a charged attack. Q is a dash forward. Finally, His Phinisher stuns everyone in a certain area.



Ban hammer (or bh)

Bh is a tank which means what he lacks in speed he makes up for in health and damage. M1 is a big ol swing from the hammer which can be re-created with a heavy damage-dealing pickaxe. M2 is juts a slam down so pretty simple. Q makes him go flying across the map so thats easy. E is a swing around him and I’m not sure how to do that. Finally his Phinisher grabs everyone near him and if their at 50% of their maximum health, he will one-shot them. And if he lands it he gets to do it again up to 5 times.

I’m still missing the ranged and support parts too

Sounds like a cool guide, but, try adding more completion before posting, drafts exist for a reason yk.

mmhmmm, that’s completely normal, you should’ve still added more than one detail.

It’s highly advised, visualizes how the players would see it in game, I’d say yes, and eventually please do add a poll, I’m just saying be more prepared on future guides.

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don’t publish topics that are very WIP. start working on it instead of immediately posting it. maybe try posting it when its almost done, or at least half done. This is barely completed.

@Ar3s3nal nothing that is good is quick. like obi wan Kenobi said, “Our patience will achieve more than our force.”

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this should become a wiki when it has more things

Good guide, but try to add pictures. People find it hard to comprehend with all those words. (no offense intended) I know you said it was a WIP, but I think maybe don’t post the last three (Biograft, Katana, and Ban Hammer) until you actually have it done.


This was gonna take days, nay weeks to complete so I decided to publish it now

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So should I add pictures of the characters to make it more :sparkles: entertaining? :sparkles:

Yeah. This is a very common mistake!

Again, no offense intended.

@here Just added pics for all of em and did ban hammer. Gonna phinish (Get it?) Melee tomorrow. Night

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Oooooook. That’s different. What I mean is more like… Then, you pick the color of the barrier shown…(picture here)
Like, you can keep the pictures, but add some more to demonstrate the steps.