The All Important Player IDs

So say Bob, Fred, and Kevin joined. Would Bob’s player ID be 1, Fred’s would be 2, and Kevins would be 3?

Yes, that is how it works.

Yes, but it would be random

What do you mean? I looked at the code and it set player ID to num players

Yeah it’s sorted by who joins first. (not random)

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Random order

Version 1.00000000000001

player id:


bump? that doesn’t make se-

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I bumped into my trigger and the blockcode broke


Bump because really useful in 3 different games I’ve made

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Will the host player always be Player ID 1?

I think so… it depends on whether the all player relay is in join order.

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You can change that?

No, I don’t know if it is or is not.

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Great guide! this helped [and will help] so many ppl (I don’t know how many times I’ve linked this guide…)

GUG🤯 HoW Long did this take you to make?? this is awesome good job keep coding/building!

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are you legobuilder’s alt?

legobuilder not have an alt…legobuilder is among the fallen…his m0m kicked him from gimkit.

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you can ask lostsea and li1_reaper if ya want

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