The Activity Feed

Nice! I didn’t even know about that block!


Are you sure this works? the stuff on the activity feed NEVER shows up. Unless i did the code wrong on the guide…

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You have to make sure you’re playing in fullscreen.


Oh, that makes sence.

wait what device do you put the block code in?

You can put it in anything, as long as it has block code.

A good device for it could be a trigger.

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don’t forget to bump the guide next time! also ceratin devices uses coding like trigger and advanced devices

I suggest using the item granter because it has its own unique blocks for granting items.

Bump?? I been here for a while, but what does “Bump” mean?

The word “bump” is used to promote the guide it’s replying to and move it to the top of the forum, so everyone can see it. Please bump guides that you think are very important and hasn’t had any activity in at least a week.

Now let’s get back on-topic.

My activity feed is usually disabled. I have only gotten it to work 3 times in my 2-3 years of gimkit. Does anybody know how to fix this?

You have to be in full screen/make sure your screen is the right size for the activity feed to show.
That is one problem with the activity feed, because it’s very finicky with what zoom your screen is and the size otherwise it won’t show up.


I set my zoom to 80 and now it’s fine

First post in a while, eh?

Yeah, just because of school and life I’m not on the forums much anymore.
I still scroll around occasionally though, so if you have a question relating to me, I’ll probably answer it within a reasonable time span.


bump cuz debugging is the best thing in the wrld

BUMP because this is so helpful

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post-riot bump

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