Text block code

How do i get a chanel block into a = block?


Channels can’t equal anything.

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Excuse me? Could you clarify?

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What exactly are you trying to do?

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Maybe use some sort of text equation. But no, channels can not really “equal” something else.

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lemme send you a picture

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MrEgg wants to do something like “If channel [yourchannelhere] = [idk}”, do this.

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If Channel (name) = true

It won’t let me do a true block

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Wait, so what exactly do you want your system to do?

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This is because the game does not keep track of channels, and thinks you’re trying to do “Does this text equal true?”

You cannot set a text value equal to a boolean value.

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i wanna make a text a random players name

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Do you want to make the text a property or show up on a text device?

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wait nvm i made it

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on the topic of blocks, does any1 know what broadcast message on channel - create text with [insert text here] does?

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For instance, if you wanted the block to transmit on a channel called “deactivate_barrier,” you would make the block code (Broadcast message on channel)-(Create text with)-(deactivate_barrier)

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