Territory Game help

no that is a different mechanic technicaly kind of based off of the scoring but that will probably be in my guide bc repeating things make me lose my patience. sorry js a personal flaw

ok, I will go with item and wait for guide.

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rq, how do you do item?

go to map settings. go to score and set score type to tracked item. then select the item you want to track

Cool, thx. 1 more thing, players will just be able to keep answering questions to get item . So in this case, how would I keep the player to only be able to answer one question, and not be able to interact with the flag again until flag is captured. I’m sry I keep asking questions.

Make it so that when the flag is changed they get the item instead of when they answer the question

I made it so that when the flag is made visible, it grants them the item. However I can still keep choosing to hang flag, it grants another one. I think even though its visible, the action of making it visible still triggers the item granter. Also I think there might be a bug because the first time every game I hang a flag, it gives me two of the item when I only set it to one. But after that it gives me one

do you have a starting inventory device maybe?

For my guide: what are all the mechanics of a territory game?

Is the starting device for my question or for the guide?

your question

Yes, but its for snowball launchers

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then it is prob a bug. you can email hello@gimkit.com

alright, I will, Thank you

I can make the player answer only one question. But if they keep picking the option to capture the flag, they can win by just doing that,

This might be inefficient. But is there a way to get rid of the option for one team but the other team can answer, and whichever flag is visible, the other team can answer the question.

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ye, that’s a bit confusing. I’ll try to figure it out.

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Yeah, me figuring it out is a lost cause lol xD. What i’m trying to say is:
Is it possible for this to happen?: When the button is pressed by someone on team 1 and the question it gives them is answered correctly, the button deactivates for that team and is available only to team 2. And vise versa.

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just to make sure you are talking about a button and not a questioner right?