Teleporter bug?

ok, so when I make the person teleport somewhere all it does is respawns them… happening to anyone else?

Check your wires, are there any wires? Also, do you have a respawn device in your game?

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I don’t have a respawn device, and there is no wires…

Then it’s a bug, like most bugs, there isn’t much the community can help with. All we can do say is that,
Turn off device
wait a few hours
Contact Gimkit

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Alr, dang it, thank you for ur help!

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I don’t suggest marking a solution yet as someone might come up with a solution!

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Alright, thank you for you’re help!

I didn’t really help, but I like praise, so sure.

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lol alr ima keep trying to fix da bug for now

Are there any sentries at the teleporters?

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No there is no sentries as I am making an MM2 game

I’ve found out whats happening! I deleted all the relays and then, boom! It worked!

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Were the relays necessary?

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