Team Selector: Number Help

I have a game (yet TBD of what happens) where there are teams, but you can select them. I want a limit on how many people are on each team. What I need help with is how to show how many players have joined on a team.


I have 4 teams that you can choose from that look something like this.
I need it to show the amount of players on the team. I already know how to transfer teams and how to set a max, but I need to have it show.
For example, if I had a max of 5 players on a team and you already had 4 people j0in, it would show “4/5”, how would I do that? Also, it needs to be updated constantly.

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Counter, with a target value of however many people you want to make an increase when people go inside the zone, decrease when they go out, when target value reached activate a barrier.
That way with the counter you can see how many players are on a team

basically a modified player counter?

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Using text device

Yeah, track how many people clicked the button in the zone, then it shows with text device.

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okay so first have the button increment a counter and then have the counter update a property then in block code for the text make it set the text to the property value and just make the text update on the same channel that the counter increments

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Wire a button to a counter with a target value of 5 (Button pressed–increment counter) and wire the button to a teleporter (Button pressed–Teleport player here or to target, whichever one you prefer.). Wire the counter back to the button (Target value reached–Deactivate button)

If you want it to update when people leave the team, make another button and wire it to the same counter, (Button pressed–decrement counter) and wire that button to the original button (Button pressed–Activate button. Then wire that button to a second teleporter leading back to the team selection area (Button pressed–Teleport player here or to target, whichever one you prefer.)

to show the #/5 effect, I’m no good with blocks so I’ll copy @Foxy 's instructions:
“Have the counter update a property then in block code for the text make it set the text to the property value and just make the text update on the same channel that the counter increments”

But all I need is the blockcode thing,


Can I have images please?

Basically, I have the zone, which is in the thing i showed above, so when you enter the zone, it asks “is this your team?” then you answer. if yes, increment counter. target value reached, activate barrier. I just need to show the amount of players that have already chosen “yes” on that team.
Does anyone know how and can give me pictures? @Anonymous

Can somebody help?

make the counter update a property
then in the text device make it
Set text: Create Text with Get Property Player Count (or whatever the property is called)

ill do an image give me one second… getting on to gimkit

Which channel?
Could I receive images for the process?

Pictures of the blocks:

I’m not sure if text reloads automatically so just in case it doesn’t

have a lifecycle that is wired to a trigger that broadcasts whatever channel you used for the text
Wire the trigger to a wire repeater so when it triggers → repeat the pulse
And then wire the wire repeater back to the trigger