Talking To Sentries

How do you make it so when you come close to a sentry, you press the enter button and are able to talk to it, or make it talk to you?

(Trying to make a new map and need some advice!)

Easy ive done it so many times so get a sentry

So you get a sentry and place a barrier arount it so thta it wont shoot the player then you get a button and wire it to pop up and put the dialog there make sure the button can be pressed outside of the barrier and if there is more than just one page of dialog then wire a pop up to another one and have it say when primary call to action pressed open popup and then in the pop up setting for the first one make sure you write something like next for your primary call to action in the call to action section

Place a button by your sentry. Have it open a popup, and make a call to action button that opens the next piece of dialogue.

there’s lots of guide on this

You could put a wall around the sentry, and then a button where you can have a made conversation.

so if i make a wall around the sentry and then add a button next to it, i can make a player have a conversation with it?

you get a sentry and place a barrier arount it so thta it wont shoot the player then you get a button and wire it to pop up and put the dialog there make sure the button can be pressed outside of the barrier and if there is more than just one page of dialog then wire a pop up to another one and have it say when primary call to action pressed open popup and then in the pop up setting for the first one make sure you write something like next for your primary call to action in the call to action section

Yeah you can. Just make the button connected to a notification, and in that notification it can say something like, “Hi! I’m a sentry! But a nice one!” or whatever you’d like it to say. Then that notification will be sent to you!

You could even use a zone

Yeah, thats another way also!

I would suggest using popups. Notifications are more like a voice over.

thanks u guys! that helped me alot

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