Tag zones and flag capture zones

I’m making a capture the flag map, and I have 2 tag zones and 2 capture the flag zones. but I have these weird lines that look exactly like them, but they aren’t boxes like the other ones, but lines that dont connect all the way.

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What do you mean? Can you send a screenshot?

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It’s probably a bug from the new gimkit update. Did you try making a new tab for that game?

im not sure i understand what you mean by that

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I meant closing out the tab then making a new one for that game

i closed the tab and then rejoined, but i haven’t tried making a new tag zone

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The tag thing was a typo, sorry. When you rejoined is the green line gone?

nope. (extra characters .)

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Try deleting the tag zones and camera view devices, then rejoin the game again. It it isn’t gone, it’s probably just a bug that I don’t know how to fix, sorry.

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its fine! thanks for your time!


ok so i rejoined a couple of hours later and it was gone, so i guess it was just a one time thing? i dunno

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edit one more time: after i put the previous comment here, i went back onto the tab with it on and its back. oh well

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