Tag device how to switch taggers

Please help i want it for my tag map

How do you want to switch the taggers? After a period of time?

Maybe something like tag

Yes that what i want to koow

Team Switcher?


Thanks it helped a lot

you don’t need to switch teams. that would make you respawn. hold on I think i responded to someone with a screen shot lemme find it

ok here:

The first repeater is x seconds long and the second one is 2x seconds long.the tag zones are for different teams, one for team 1 and one for team 2. There are two wires from each repeater. One activates the tag zone and the other deactivates the other tag zone. The lifecycle is just to activate the repeaters on game start


i know im reviving this topic and last reply was pretty long ago, but i am now using this and i am trying to recreate the original Tag Domination with a different theme, and i am confused. @Alan_Shen in the picture shown there is a wire connecting the repeater on the left to the repeater on the right- whats that wire’s function? when the left repeater runs task does it start the right repeater or stop the right repeater? Same with the other wire connecting the repeater on the right to the repeater on the left, when the right repeater runs task does it start or stop the left repeater?

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yall gotta stop necroposting


make a new topic for that

chat what the sigma

last off-topic


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