Tag Creation Questions

So with the new guides, post and things related to platforming i though of two tags that could be add. This might help organize things and keep titles short.

  1. Platforming Bug This is sort of just to help josh and the devs label what bug post is for platforming.
Add This tag
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Actually, these are some good requests. I agree there should be a platforming tag, but I agree that the platforming bug tag would have some trouble or controversy…

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platformer exists already

-_- how? and your suppost to make a post like this before you create a tag…

someone made it and put it on a help topic about when it was coming

your post is the only one that currently has the tag
how did you not know?

it doesn’t have the tag.

dis one

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never added that, i didn’t even know some one made it.

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too many regulars are just making tags whenever they want to


yeah, thats why i made this post, its how i was taught, so its how i do things.

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well the tag does exist
so the first poll isn’t needed



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