Stupid question but how do you make it so only one team can destroy a prop?

how do you make it so only one team can destroy a prop?

This is dumb of me but yeahhhh

Connect a relay set to all players on a specific team that deactiavtes a barrier with the scope set to team. On the relay, set team to the team that is supposed to break the prop


Umm… i dont understand lol

I had a bunch of typos lol. Is this better?

On the barrier, there should be a setting in all options where you can set the scope of it

wait i want it so only the other team can destroy it

place down a relay with the settings set to all players on a specific team, now wire that relay to a barrier that’s scope is team, so that relay trigger, - activate barrier.

Yea that’s what it I said

wait what?

oh nvm i get it

Click on a barrier after placing on down. Click on the all options tab and scroll down

i understand now thanks yall

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