Students Overview of Gimkit Creative


I’m new to Gimkit and have created a kit and published my game through Gimkit Creative. I have a few questions:

  1. Can I host live or assign homework using my game? How to do?
  2. Is it possible to receive an overview of my students’ performance during their play in my game?

Thank you for your assistance!

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Hi! Welcome to the forums!

I don’t think many or any users know this on the forums, as these are for teacher accounts only. The best answer you would get is from emailing

Outside of the leaderboard, end-game stats, or any in-game systems made by the creator- no there isn’t. I think I saw this on the nolt at some point as a suggestion though.

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Thanks for your replying!
I think I will follow up with further inquiries via email.

  1. Yes, you can host live, but I think that for assigning homework:
    a. You have to have Gimkit Premium(or whatever its called)
    b. It has to be one of the regular maps(Dld, OwO, Tag: Domination, etc.)
  2. I don’t think so, but maybe if you hosted a live game and used the kit you made(which probably wont be in the game if that’s what you’re wondering), you could VEIW the report of the game.
    Otherwise you would just see plays.

Hope this helps!
(Welcome to the forums!)

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So you can host live but unfortunately you cannot make homework on a creative map although there is this in blocks which shows otherwise:

We don’t really know why this is here though…

You can make a property so when the questioner is right you could set a property and stuff to see score, but I will get more detail into that later…


Thanks for all of your helps!


If you need any Extra help just ask us and we can help


With Gimkit pro you can create assignments

or you can view your students work at the end of a game


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