Step on certain block=Different speed?

So, it’s probably Gimpossible, BUT is it possible to make a system that can track players and detect when they step on a certain block, say for example when a player steps on grass they slow down, but as soon as they get off the grass, they go back to whatever stepped they were on before they went in the grass. Yes, we know we can use zones, but we really can’t because of the memory.

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You can place a zone over the slower section that transmits on a channel that slows you down
and have it send on a different channel when you leave


It would be possible if you put zones in different blocks and connect them each to speed modifiers but it takes like a lot of memory and work

Or a trigger that has collision thing enable and whenever triggered it activates a speed modifier

Yeahhhhh, we considered zones, but it was going to take a LOT of memory. So that option was unfortunately out.

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How much memory would a few GINORMOUS triggers cost.

or small whichever one you prefer

Whichever one you think is best, and would use less memory.

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Use pseudo zones then:

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Me personally I think triggers would use less

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Do you have an idea for this?


Like a forum or a guide, or is it just a thought in progress (no offense or anything)

Possibly coordinate system.

I gave one to you up there.

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I still need to get to reading the coordinate thing :sweat_smile:

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Yes I know thank you, I’m looking at it.


just use a pressure plate or zone that is wired to a speed modifier

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Thanks, looks like this will work.


Thanks guys, great ideas!

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