Now i wanna make a castle themed map
Oh, well mansions have a winery. And a…
Wow! You are a soul that I haven’t seen in a good bit!
Ummm… what?
VWOOM’s saying they haven’t seen you in a while
neither have I
I hath not seen thee in many moons. I also updated my lore.
Ah, yes my ELA teacher felt the need to assign us so much homework- also, I’m usually active, but I don’t have anything to say…
ask that somewhere else
it is off-topic here go to a different chat
Uhhh… sorry, no? I don’t want to do that…
BUT ANYWAYS back on topic!
Dangit! Anyway. How long did this gate take to make?
this is my help post not the gate
Oh, wait… I am really dumb. WOW.
okay I have one more question before I close this does anyone have any good houses to walk into? (outside please with screenshots)
before you link chong’s guide I want something that looks cleaner
a house i built one but idk if you’d want to use it
its the gimkit nolt fourms hangout place sometime