Sprinting Mechanic

Rithek, did you ever get this working? If not, I might make a post on it. Movement detection is PAINFULLY finnicky (you remember from WD lol)


@Shdwy , I made a guide on this a couple days ago.
(Sorry for the tone, just saying)

I’m well aware. It’s what reminded me that I need to work on this.

Also, I’m not talking about your guide. Sprinting with a button is literally just boolean swapping. That’s way easier than the thing me and Rithek were working on.

Note the “movement detection” part of my 3 sentence post. (It’s not hard to miss!)

Correct me if I’m wrong, but your guide–while lacking literally any explanations–didn’t seem to cover that.

Does this just use movement manager stopping due to the button break to work?

Nope. I keep forgetting to work on it.

I’m trying to use trigger activation states to detect the player starting to move, stopping, and then stating to move again. Translating absences of a channel is painful.

Good luck with that. What movement mechanic are you using to find the button in the first place? MM?

yeah a movement manager.

That’s what I figured, as it’s universal.