Speedrun Challenge Thumbnail Request

I need a thumbnail for my Speedrun Challenge game. I would strongly suggest playing it first so you know what to put in the thumbnail and what the game is even about. You can play it with 1 player. It is NOT published, so I am not asking for plays, and I am not asking for testers.
The Showcase link is IN MY PROFILE DESCRIPTION. The link is not the direct showcase link.
(Note: If possible, please make the featured gim on the thumbnail Dodge)

Thank you.

This is advertising.

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TBH, this is still kind of advertising. (I would know. I tried it myself :grin: ) The best way would be to just describe your map.

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technically, I do need a thumbnail, and it’s kinda hard to describe it, so I guess I will just move the link to my profile description for now.

Ok, but FYI, it’s still kind of advertising. (That’s what I tried doing.)

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If your map is a speedrun map, you could just ask for someone to make some terrain pieces and some gims that look like they are racing each other.

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Uhh since when was there a Art category?

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Yeah, ok, but the specific terrain used is dark scraps for the background and gray specks for the walls that are 2 blocks thick. In-game example:

I think Josh added the art category to the forums after some complaints. (I don’t really know the specifics, but it got added around a week ago.)


Ohhh so basically because people wanted thumbnail requests so josh made a category for that so it does not cluttered the help category?

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Then that could be the terrain. You could also add some obstacles. (In the thumbnail, but if you want to add them in the game that’s fine with me.)

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Pretty much. Although the forums were super laggy for me the first couple of days.


I will try to make one. Might take a long time since i have school.

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The game is called speedrun challenge?

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Please credit me if you use this.

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why cant you just describe what you want a thumbnail of

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Honestly just go to the game and play a few levels it’s not too complicated

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But I don’t want to
I was just asking why not

Honestly, I love the thumbnail, but could you move the text “A Game by @ModerateCape86” and “Thumbnail by @Kraveez” above the lasers?

In layers, not physically