Speed Boost With A Cooldown (Difficulty 3/10)

This is my first guide so here it goes!

Put a speed modifier down and change it to this:

Then, Put down an overlay and change it to this:

Now, wire them like this:

Then, place down another speed modifier and set it like this:

Then, place a trigger and set it to this:

Then, wire the overlay to the trigger like this:

Then, wire the trigger to the second speed modifier like this:

Then, place another trigger and set it like this:

Then, wire the first trigger to the second one like this:

Then, place another overlay and set it like this:

Then, wire the first trigger to the second overlay like this:

Then, place a third trigger and set it up like this:

Then, wire the first trigger to the third one and wire it like this:

Then, place a fourth trigger and set it up like this:

Then, wire the third trigger to the fourth trigger like this:

Then, wire the fourth trigger to the first overlay like this:

Then, wire the fourth trigger to the second overlay like this:

This is what it should look like at the end:

That is it! The speed boost with a cooldown!


Please ignore the code: this was from three days ago.

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One of your images didn’t load in, by the way.

(Also difficulty would probably be near like 3)

But besides all of that, pretty good guide I’ll say overall.


oh, I’ll fix it as soon as I can.

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The one that didn’t fully upload looks like this because I don’t know how to fix it:

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What difficulty is this?
  • 1/10
  • 2/10
  • 3/10
  • 4/10
  • 5/10
  • 6/10
  • 7/10
  • 8/10
  • 9/10
  • 10/10
0 voters


  1. this is definitely not 6/10
  2. I’m removing ideas
  3. sprint guides already exist

ok what would the difficulty be then?

and what should the tag be?

“The best tag sometimes, is no tag.” -Txme_Lxss, 2024.

But yeah, I do agree about the sprint thing, there is like 4 different types of sprint guides lol.


@Txme_Lxss what should the difficulty be?

3/10, just like the other ones.

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good job! this can be used in a racing game where there is a sprint cooldown

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(post deleted by author)

that is advertising. you cant advertise unless it relates to the topic

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Is the guide good or should I improve it?

@Caternaught and @Txme_Lxss, is the guide good?

This guide is good. It has pictures and steps, so i would say it’s fine. Just please don’t advertise a post, game, or suggestion.(From the post above)


ok, I will keep that in mind.

What other guides should I do?