Spawning a sentry near you (possible?)

I am making some abilitys using the hackarian system and wanted to know if it is even possible to spawn a sentry near you to fight for you.

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Umm. . . I’m not sure but let me go and figure out if that is possible

This is possible if you want it in a limited-scope arena.
It’s just set in one place…

You can choose what team to have a sentry be on. You cannot spawn a sentry out of the blue, you would have to hide them on game start, and unhide them then the button is pressed.

so your saying its possible if the arena is small?

How big is your area? This is definitely possible, but there is a sentry limit.

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Yes, but this can only be true if it is set in one spot. You have to run behind it and hide.

This can be implemented to use only 1 sentry, if only one team has it.

Maybe you use the ability, then teleport behind the sentry?

I think that works, so it just teleports you to part of the map

I said set it in one spot…

This is correct, yes.

Well, we could do this.

A coordinate grid- that’s very big. Like 9 tiles by 9 tiles, if a player enters that zone, uses the ability, the sentry will spawn.

It will be in the middle. So something like this

                            x <- sentry spawn here
                          ______ <- pretend this is box around x

Better to be inaccurate with spawning then super accurate with low memory and big map usage

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You may have to elaborate for this user or make a guide.


give me a second, I need to add pictures anyway

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So you would place some zones evenly spaced and have them each set a property when you enter it, and reset when you leave. Then you would use a trigger loop and every time the triggers loop around, make it broadcast on a channel. Have 1 checker for each property that checks that property. If the check passes, then spawn the sentry.



The zone will be about this big- to save memory and to still be somewhat accurate.

When you use the ability- I’m guessing your gonna use a game overlay- if your in that zone it will change a property to the zone number. So it will be if your in zone 10, it changes a property to 10. When you click the ability, it checks the property and every sentry is assigned a property number to be activated on.

Hopefully this helps!

hey, we did the same thing fulcrum! (or similar at least) Great minds think alike lol

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