Sort of random question

i’m trying to get a trigger, that has infinite uses, but, only triggers twice each time, i’m confused about how to do this. The reason being, is because i need 16 of those, and i know there’s a limit at 10 for repeaters

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uhh… I read it five times and still don’t understand… could you explain more?

sure, so, i want to have a trigger, that only increments a counter twice, and, i need that to be infinintly used, so i can’t use max triggers, and i need 16 of those, so, somehow, i need to trigger the trigger twice, then quickly deactivate the trigger, then reactivate to be used again

Please Never Use Repeaters (and a guide on looping)
Ig just follow that guide and have two repeating triggers.
(also what do you need this for?)

Every time the trigger triggers increase a counter. When the trigger is triggered, check using if the counter’s value is less than 3, if so, trigger the trigger again. If not, reset the counter.

wait, never mind, i forgot that, that same counter will be eventually have to be 2, 4, 6, 8, etc

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