Soo I need to know if this will work

Soo, I made a crit boost and I wanna know if there is any possible way to make it have a percentage of even activating when a gadget is fired, can someone figure out if this will work? Thank you!!

lifecycle + randomizer in trigger
it works

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oh simple as that? (interesting)

Can I prob get an image to see what I need to do tho?

oh and a damager + trigger as well for the crit hit. i cant provide an image bc


I already have a working crit boost, I just need to make it have a percentage on working

Lifecycle (fires gadget) → trigger (trigger)
make a simple randomizer code inside the trigger, for example, you want 50% as your percentage, you have to create a variable of it, one transmits on “not critical boost” and one transmits “critical boost”
Attack Boost (activate when received on “critical boost”)


This is what the crit boost is

How to make an easy randomizer
hey look it’s the search bar.

just use 1 if statement and have the random block set for 1 to x, where x = the fraction denominator. so set x to 100 if it’s 1 in 100 chance of getting a crit hit or smth


50% example:

I made it so you have a chance to [FIRES A BIG SHOT] have a critical hit every time you fires a projectile.
@Kosm0-o So the damage boost will deactivate when 1 is selected


@NotYoyo and @Kosm0-o I thank both for helping me, I wish I could Mark two solutions but I will just say that both of you have been a great help :grinning:

solutions mean nothing
essentially, they are just a button


Okay, Thank you very much!!

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