Can you simulate floating in water?

I’m assuming that you’d only be able to do this with platformer mode, but it would be cool if you could do it


well would it be like minecraft where you have to make yourself float?

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I think the only relevant guide I found is for the DLD/Platformer mode of Gimkit Creative.
Edit: This was the guide (platformer mode)

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I mean, that would be nice but I feel like it would be better if you floated automatically


maybe Teleporters? that make you seem to bob up and down


Wait if you slow the player down it might be able to go slower too through various means like water makes you slower.

that could work, but like… floating in water?

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well do you want it to look like they are bobbing up and down?

if not just have invisible items

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I guess you could put a trans barrier with collision and give the illusion that there is depth when there is not (I’ll add a pic in a sec)


Maybe bobbing up and down like @Gimkitsuggestor said would be the best approach to the floating in water approach along the slowdown in water

to be basic have an invisible floor 1 block underwater that makes it seem your floating

if your not doing the bobbing up and down

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Just make the black barriers transparent (1)


WOW that is quite smart I couldnt think of how to do bobbing water
but to make it even cooler @twofoursixeight idea of slowness would make it even more realistic


OHHHHHHH that’s actually super smart.


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Yeah, slowness would definitely improve it, and if you put a barely visible transparent blue barrier over the player (but at the same level as the original water line), it will make it look like the player is actually in the water.

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wish i could all of you guys the solution but @ShadowDragon44 gave the best information so…

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Well it is quite pleasing to get marked as a solution

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