Someone pls tell me what is going on

Uhm, I don’t know what is going on.

It’s not too big of a problem, It only happened once but all of my skins were corrupt (I was using the sketch skin) and so were the AI. If anyone has the same problem let me know in the comments :arrow_heading_down:

Sentries and gims are currently glitched, its on gimkits end so all you can do is email them at and wait. Sorry, but thats all we can do as of right now. But Welcome to the community @Cruton777! Make sure to check out the post under beginner-must-read.

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Also, Welcome to the forum, @Cruton777!

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thank you.
Have a good day

Your welcome, if you have anymore questions, let me know. But please remember to mark a solution.

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Ok thank you for letting me know :slight_smile:

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Also @Cruton777, please take your personal information out of your bio. No one on the forum needs to now your age, name, race, etc. So please remove that from it. Thanks.

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Ok. Thank you for lettig me know.

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also a guide I made about it here

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Welcome to the forum!

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