SOLVED Invincibility~?

Guess I’m invincible now :sunglasses: but like seriously, this needs to be resolved :P.
Basically what the image is showing is me 0 health, 0 shield still able to walk around and run and jump and fall. No buffs or anything in game. Then we have my friend ENDLESSLY falling. Fr real he was stuck in a death loop. Collision was on all the props in the image btw~


reload. lol.

Oh yeah no I have its stuck there like that~

do you have a place for players to respawn?

Hm, that’s weird.
Maybe refresh and try again…
Platforming has gotten some serious issues since it’s been released.

Also, HEY WHAT UP? I haven’t seen you in a while!

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Yeah its just stuck in that one map. It happened like 3 days ago in OWO, that sucked.

BRO FR sameee

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bro is not from the Invicible show :smiley:

Platforming is just very buggy in general

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Lol bro, and true @C-C


I’ve had this happen to me if I take a significantly larger amount of damage than my health. I’m assuming the health is going into the negatives.

True, so refreshing it’s probably what’s best for you, @ShadowDragon44.
Maybe do you have health granters or anything in your map? Starting inventory?
How much do you have on game start?

:confused: Do they even have those settings…
I wouldn’t know. I haven’t gotten season ticket yet…


dld = :beetle:

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Actually in my GKC map its exact, I had to account for shield tho, but its the exact same amount~

Plat-former has all devices and props as top-down just less terrain.

All right, I didn’t even know that.
:person_facepalming: Bruh, I’m so stupid. of COURSE they all have the same devices.
How are all these moonsized-eyed excited people gonna make Super Smash bros and whatnot?


Maybe do you have health granters or anything in your map? Starting inventory?
How much do you have on game start?

No granters, no buffs, no start invin, max health & shield game start


Yeesh, that’s definitely a bug.
Email and see what they say.
Otherwise, that’s definitely wrong…

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Crazy. I am a lil bit worried tho only because its spreading throught my games :l Imma mark a solution~

I just got a weird bug - I was playing GimParkour, but I was randomly respawning when I landed on certain mini-summits.


Any checkpoints set?