Solo time on gimkit game ideas

Well sometimes I play gimkit solo and so does other people but I want to make 6 solo games so it won’t feel lost forever :relieved:

So… is this a question? What do you need help with? Please describe what you need.


Solo games for solo people but 6 of em

So what I understood
You want to make 6 solo games like mini games!

… Wut?
So you want to have some sort of psuedo game hosting?

Yes 6 solo games I need some ideas :grinning:

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Put this in ideas for less confusion! :smiley:



Here are 2 ideas (I can tell u more)

  • Find the hidden prop (a big map where your goal is to find the hidden prop)
  • oof the sentries (Like 1 way out!)

Any ideas anyone :open_mouth::open_mouth::grinning::grinning:

  • A relaxing obby.
  • An escape-room
  • A laser-maze.
  • A go-up-the-tower game (be able to climb to the top of a tower).
  • A horror game.
    *A game where you have to get all of the achievements in.

I would not make a horror game since you can probably get banned for it.

Hmm, I will take two of those, laser maze, and a game where you have to get all the achievements in :grinning:

Awesome😎 thx but I also need more ideas

Tough to say, depending on the content. :man_shrugging:

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I’m a little confused

More ideas? Okay!

  • Rob a bank (Rob the bank without getting caught!)
  • Sentry Run! (Run from a bunch of sentries)

IDK said, your account has a possibility to be suspended for breaking publishing rules, that is, assuming you would publish it, and depending on the content your game has.

Well I can tell you that one isn’t gonna go well haha

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The rob a bank I really wouldn’t call a solo game bc well, if you rob a game what’s the achievement, and the sentry run I don’t think a bunch a sentry’s would be good🫨

I should have probably explained more (mb)
Goal: get to the vault
How it works: Advoid lasers, sentries & Cameras