So I was wondering if it would be helpful

so i am thinking abt making a guideline for a laser mase game but…
would people like that?

  • no it would not
  • yes it would
  • one is made (then please reply with link)
0 voters

you guys are putting option three but no link is being responed i need the link or you can not pick that

Okay so I don’t think there’s really an exact guide but there’s definitely things out there

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right but i littrally mean a guide to making the game

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Alright I say you should make one then

Are you still accepting votes, or is it done, because it looks like it would be helpful. Just make sure it is :full_moon: or :full_moon_with_face: quality.

This can help you make a good high quality guide.


ok i will and still am letting votes

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