So I need ideas... again

I am making a lab, but I don’t know what things I can add to it, to make it more like a lab. I know bookshelves, and chemical tubes work. Any other ideas?

Add a telescope. Maybe a mini green evil plant with a glass cover next to a microscope. Maybe a lab spill.


You could add some tables but that’s pretty much all I can think of

Add a telescope. Maybe a mini green evil plant with a glass cover next to a microscope. Maybe a lab spill.
You could add some tables but that’s pretty much all I can think of
Credit to you guys! Thank you!!!

Wouldn’t what you did be solution grinding? :frowning:

I’ve seen others do it… is it a bad thing? If so, I can just mark someone else as the solution.

Your welcome but try to not mark your own post as a solution. Its a bit rude.

yeah… soultion grinding is bad :frowning:

Oh… okay. I’ll fix it!! Edit: how do I fix it?

grammar police moment

It is ‘solution’

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Just unmark the solution

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unmark the solution given and remark it (someone else’s though)

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Okay! I got it thank you.


You forgot a period.

Please don’t nitpick, both of you. (No offense)
We don’t need to make posts just because we find a very small spelling or grammar mistake, it’s just unnecessary.
As long as what was said in the post was clear, even if there was a slight grammar or spelling mistake it doesn’t matter and in that case you don’t need to ask what they meant.
People think it’s cool to say “oh um you made a very small grammar mistake it’s you’re not your :nerd_face:” but it’s not. It’s just rude and disrespectful to the person who made the post.

This is starting to become a trend, just because someone (or a regular but no offense to cello/jt does something), doesn’t mean you should follow it and j0in in to look ‘cool.’
Same with life.
Even regulars (like me, I have to admit) make mistakes. We’re all human.
If somebody corrects your post’s grammar/spelling with a very small mistake, asks or replies to you with an off-topic post, you DON’T need to reply.
Just please.

This is similar to what Jeff said in the most recent update (the february 5th one), one “let’s get back on topic” of “stop being off topic” post is enough.
Just ignore them, don’t j0in in and flag the posts relating to the off topic discussion.


I don’t take any offense thanks haiasi.

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I would like to express my sincere apologies for my actions of blindly following without critically analyzing the situation. I recognize that my behavior was misguided and not in line with my values. I take full responsibility for my actions and understand the impact they may have had on others. :frowning:

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