So... I need a little bit of help

you could also make military checkpoints throughout the roads

And of the topic post, I would say do a snow-ish type map because that works well for a dooms day game. Then add a city/town that is in ruins(but has some secrets and like a trader that you can trade with for parts to craft better items). Then add a military base on the edge of the map that has some easter eggs(map secrets) in it. And add a forest that is dead with no leaves that enemies spawn in. As well as a cave that will lead to a dungeon that is said to be under a volcano. And when the dungeon boss is defeated a spaceship prop appears on the main map level and that will end game when all players board it.

Sorry for the long reply.

also how is the game played is it survival or shoot all the people

I think its a RPG/ survival game, not a FFA.

Role play game? or rocket propelled grenade?

Or do what I said and make the background terrain Dark Scraps.

chain shackles?

that would look like a road, not a apocalypse.

Wait–this is an apocalypse?

That could be taken as offensive or dark, unless its a police game, i wouldn’t do that.


doomsday, is a apocalypse type theme.

Oh–no! You’re right. Who have I become?
-Oh, thanks, I needed the clarification.-


A bear, by the looks of it.

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Not a dragon like the rest of us.

lol, yeah dooms day is called a day of death /the end of the world, same as apocalypse

Now now be nice…


please stay on topic…

Why? We dragons are clearly superior.

is it zombie apocalypse or nuclear apocalypse