Snoopy Thumbnail Request

I just woke up but you’re welcome bj :>. I am still working on your thumbnail! It’s just taking a bit since i can’t color as good lol. (Can’t wait to see’s everyone else’s TN!)


Don’t forget me!!!
(As of two minutes ago…)

Y’all can we PLEASE stop talking about the PFP trend. Snoopy was really excited to get a thumbnail for this map and has asked you guys to stop multiple times (I mean this respectfully btw). Don’t get me wrong, they’re cute and all but they aren’t really related to the thumbnail (unless I’m tripping)

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True. We probably should…


Here’s my thumbnail! (this is just the background, but just you wait until its done…)


woah :0 it looks good so far you should finish it :>


Hey snoopy… i might not be able to finish my second thumbnail. (If you don’t know why check the wix. Because i can’t explain it here.) which i am sorry but you can still use my first thumbnail… (if i do end up finishing it then you can use one or the other in the poll.)

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I will start making the thumbnail


Aww its ok I don’t have a WIX account but whatever the reason was its all good

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(post deleted by author)


what about me???


its ok I understand completely if you don’t feel like doing it is alright I wouldn’t want to stess you out :>

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ok uh snoopy I might be done by Sunday sry 4 the delay :[ I got tons of hw

all is good as I said you have until Tuesday :>


I doubt anyone’s going to vote for mine
and when the poll comes around, please don’t vote for yourself

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yea does anyone know how to do polls? I’m very bad at it

when it’s Tuesday can you make it for me plz :>

Ok uh
In the reply menu
Click on the gear
Then hit “Build Poll”
You should be brought to a poll creating HUD
from there you can make a poll
(also hit the gear in the HUD to get more complex.)

yea I mean I get how to but I fear to mess up and not be able to make one lol

(any expert out there plz help me out when Tuesday comes around lmao)

Edit: no not that its just very complicated to me sorry

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You mean like making a typo on the poll and not being able to fix it? Cause if so… I’m pretty sure you can edit a poll. OOOOooooo…hh I see want you mean