Simple unlockable door

zthees is how to make a simple unlockable door

Screenshot 2023-10-12 11.10.49 AM

when you are making door you have to have a spot to put a prop and some walls

then you would want to put a prop that you cant go through

Screenshot 2023-10-12 11.15.07 AM

then you will want to get a vending machine and add wires to hide prop once purchased

Screenshot 2023-10-12 11.16.45 AM

and add the thin to purchase once the thing is purchased the prop will disapear and you will be able to walk through

add the wip tag since this isnt finished

I added it. Also: instead of putting: zthees(would edit that) is how to make a simple unlockable door put the actuall guide and steps there as that is how you normally do it.

(zthees)- French way of saying this


(zthees), was intentional.

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Nice job so far! I suggest you add the guide to the post part.

ok i will
… / … — .–. . / … - … …-. …- -. -. . … … / . -. - … .-. . / -… .-… — — -… .-… … -. . / … … / …-. … .-… .-… . -… / .-- … - … / -.-. .- -. -.-. . .-.

Hey- I would advise that you not add messages in morse code, since due to the inability to easily moderate them they are likely to be removed.

ok we wont :wink:
Morse code is easy anyways

thats a nice door @relebloz3

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