Should I either

Thanks to @WhereIsMyHat’s post about maps that could cure boredom, I decided I wanted to try to either make a Team game like Modern Warfare or King Of The Hill game where you try to stay in the circle for as long as you can?

Which One?
  • Modern Warfare (Team Style)
  • King Of The Hill
0 voters

The pole is finally finished, and wow, a lot of people voted King Of The Hill. Welp, I’ll post the pictures of the game once I finish- oh wait, I already did! I’ll get the pictures up when I can.

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King of the hill. And please make sure you mark solutions to your topics when you have gotten your answer(not this one yet though).

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Yeah, you’re right I’ll do that.

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4 votes already!?!?!

Yep it will have a lot more tomorrow. gtg though, cya.

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Alright, cya tommorow!

What is the king of the hill…

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@leo_flowers ,
King of the hill- google search


woah, 8 votes all for king of the hill!? :0
anyhow, king of the hill sounds rlly fun to make, and i would also love to see more games of it!