Should i delete my map?


It’s on discovery, but lately i don’t understand discovery anymore due to low support on my games. It’s not like i care about my plays or anything, i made my game for fun, but i need some motivation to keep creating.

Somehow trash games that sometimes are clickbait or not even good are in trending. I don’t get how most of the games never got into discovery but new releases. Some games are lucky to be in Community Picks, but i don’t understand discovery anymore. I think that actual good games should be in trending also, but it’s just stuff made by 5 year olds.

Should i delete it?
  • Yes
  • No
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What is it called I want to play it?

I can’t tell you it. Advertising.



If you really want a good answer, don’t ask the forums. The forums will always say “Don’t delete it!” because that’s what seems positive.

Look, the garbage games that are on trending never stay on trending. The only reason that they are on trending is that they bait players into playing their game, and they try to farm as much views from one. But, those games have negative replayability, so after a lot of people have played the game, the game dies out. A good trending game is one that doesn’t try to farm views, isn’t clickbait, and doesn’t do anything wrong.

Ask the Wixsite, people on there actually know things.

@FersionSpeedy use the Alternative Discovery. (its in my bio)

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