Should I Create a Sentry Dialogue Guide

Recently, for a new game I have created an infinitely expandable[1]Sentry dialogue popup that utilizes the new ways to create typewriter text along with the added feature of conversational pauses. I was thinking about making a guide on this but there are a multitude available already even though they are far different from the one I created and far easier. This guide also is pretty advanced.

This guide is only, from a memory standpoint, useful if trying to make:

More than 134 normal non-typewriter popups.
10 typewriter, conversational pauses, popups.
10 typewriter popup.

Systems Details:

6,735 Memory
2 popups (depending on your game)
12 properties
10 triggers
1 checker
1 wire repeater
2+ counters
1+ buttons

The required input[2] to make the c0de run:

✦aN[You: What's Your Name?](b)✦bN[Inmate: My name is Carlos Deshavez. ~What's yours?](c)✦cN[You: My name is Richard.](d)✦dY[Inmate: You want to get out of here right?](ef)✦eN[You: Yes. This place is terrible.](h)✦fN[You: No.I like prison.](g)✦gN[Inmate: Alright then. Suit yourself](0)✦hY[Inmate: The guards name is barry,~ he is gone every day at 4. You following?](i)✦iN[Inmate: During that time we are going to take the pipes out of your sink.](j)✦jN[Inmate: Your going to hide the pipe under your bed and during the night you are going to break a pole off the bed](k)✦kY[Inmate: Then you are going to use that to pry open the lock on your cell](la)✦lN[You: Will do.](0)

The result:


Should I make a guide on this
  • Yes
  • No
0 voters

Please do not reply to this topic unless you have a good question. There is a poll if you want to share your opinion.

I will wait for a decent amount of votes

  1. my system only can have 71,680 (20 pages in 11pt font) characters but if someone modifies/optimizes it you could have more ↩︎

  2. entered into game c0de, not manually by player ↩︎


How are you making it infinitely conversational? Will they all be questions in some sort of a randomizer sequence? Seems very interesting.


basically you have a very large text property that has a system of dialogue branches. With different keys and such. It slowly gets deciphered into displaying the text on the popup and then based on the CTA clicked on the popup a trigger decides to go to what branch of the dialogue and then display on the popup.

This is the dialogue branch I’m currently using (my game is far from finished):
✦aN[You: What's Your Name?](b)✦bN[Inmate: My name is Carlos Deshavez. ~What's yours?](c)✦cN[You: My name is Richard.](d)✦dY[Inmate: You want to get out of here right?](ef)✦eN[You: Yes. This place is terrible.](h)✦fN[You: No.I like prison.](g)✦gN[Inmate: Alright then. Suit yourself](0)✦hY[Inmate: The guards name is barry,~ he is gone every day at 4. You following?](i)✦iN[Inmate: During that time we are going to take the pipes out of your sink.](j)✦jN[Inmate: Your going to hide the pipe under your bed and during the night you are going to break a pole off the bed](k)✦kY[Inmate: Then you are going to use that to pry open

As you can see every ✦ character there is a new thought followed by a letter to indicate where it is on the dialogue branch. Also at the end of each thought there is a () containing another letter, indicating which branch it goes to upon the CTA being selected. If it is zero it will close the popup. There are some other things in there but that is the basis of it.

Its supposed to be able to hold tons and tons of conversation it is only limited by how many properties you can combine using block code because of its limit.


Oh, I get it now. No wonder it takes up so much memory. Thanks for the clarification!

(looks like there’s going to be an upcoming guide)


Yeah. Hopefully I can explain it without destroying everyones brains, its sort of complex to understand.

Yeah Its really only useful in large RPG games, the only benefit is that it only takes a few popups, looks sweet, and can do a lot of conversations.


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