Shop not working

I’m trying to make it so a shop has inflation due to having demand.
Here’s the problem. The purchase won’t show and the price does not update. Here are my blocks (inside a trigger)
Screenshot 2024-08-27 2.45.35 PM
Anybody know why it won’t update?
If so, can they explain and/or make a guide?

The inflation variable won’t save in between run times. You’ll need to use a property for the inflation amount.


I’m not very good at code, but would any of this code apply to this topic?

// Initialize variables
set inflation to 0
set price to 0
set gain to 1

// Function to update price based on inflation
define updatePrice
  set inflation to (inflation + 25)
  set price to (0 + inflation)
  // Update display of price
  set displayPrice to price

// Function to handle purchase
define handlePurchase
  if (Get Property 'Score' ≥ price) then
    // Deduct price from score
    Set Property 'Score' to (Get Property 'Score' - price)
    // Increase CPS
    Set Property 'CPS' to (Get Property 'CPS' + gain)
    // Update price for next purchase
    // Update purchase status display
    set purchaseStatus to "Purchase successful"
    // Update purchase status display
    set purchaseStatus to "Not enough score"

// Call updatePrice initially to set the first price

Criticize me

Thanks for the input lol

First up, you can’t define functions in gkc blocks. Second, you didn’t set a property called inflation. It’s not really necessary to put that in a dropdown lol.

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Thanks, @getrithekd! I can’t believe I didn’t spot this. Thank you!


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