Shield can that gives speed for a few seconds

So I had already made a topic about this, but my problem was not solved. I thought a suggestion was a solution, but it didn’t work. What I’m trying to do is have a consumable (shield can) that, when consumed, will give a speed buff for a few seconds, then change that player back to their original speed. please help

When the player presses the button to consume the shield can, transmit on a channel which activates a speed boost, then a wire repeater timer, which will activate normal speed

Make a Repeater (every 0.5 seconds) that’s wired to a Checker that checks if you have a shield can (check is equal to)

Now, wire the checker to another repeater that checks if you no longer have a shield can.
Wire that Checker to a Speed Modifier.
Now wire the checker to a trigger (your speed boost delay) and connect that trigger to set you back to 1.00 speed.

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The Shield Can is not a device, I think you got confused there.

Oh i was assuming that they had already set up a system with game overlays and etc.

If you have the item granter activate the checker it will work instantly and with less memory because you won’t need the repeater but yeah that’s how you’d do it. Also, do you have any idea when gimkit will actually add consumables?

1: Item Granters don’t have a wire option “when granted item.”
Also, if you use a trigger’s channel that grants the item instead, the player might not drink the shield can immediately so they can cheese the game.

2: Also, consumables are already a thing.

Sorry, I was thinking of the vending machine.

oh wait yeah you could do this with buttons, triggers and item granters (to remove the shield can)

Make an IIM for shield cans. Make a property called “Shield Can Benchmark”. In the blocks of the IIM, put this:

Note: This does allow the player to dupe the system by dropping and picking up the shield can over and over again. If you can’t disable dropping items, then ping me because I have a solution for that. You can disable item dropping through zones, or for the entire map, in the settings.

@Wonder154 This is the system, I’m using the energy bar to grant speed and cash as what you spend but both of those can change. The only problem that could happen is if the player drops an item but you can turn that off.
Screenshot 2023-11-07 9.10.32 AM



This is wire repeater 2


This is wire repeater 1

  • Wire Repeater 1
    You can only connect two devices with one wire once this gets around that.


  • Item Granter
    Takes away the item after it is used.

  • Speed Modifier 1
    Speeds up the player.

  • Wire Repeater 2
    Delays the slow down.

  • Speed Modifier 2
    Slows down the player.

  1. Item granters have a block option that does what you were talking about.
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Should I put my post in Community Made Guides ?

Yeah, you should! It is a very explanatory post that is in-depth and explains exactly how to do so.

No because it was a help post, the title just sounds like a guide. Read the first post, that is were the guide should be, but they asked a questions so it is not a guide.

They are talking about this post:
(Was too long, so I couldn’t quote it)
@Wonder154 This is the system, I’m using the energy bar to grant speed and cash as what you spend but both of those can change. The only problem that could happen is if the player drops an item but you can turn that off.
Screenshot 2023-11-07 9.10.32 AM

  • Vending Machine
    Where you actually buy the item.


  • Overlay
    The position doesn’t matter you can change it as you wish.


This is wire repeater 2

  • Checker
    Used to see if the player still has the item after it is used.


This is wire repeater 1

  • Wire Repeater 1
    You can only connect two devices with one wire once this gets around that.


  • Item Granter
    Takes away the item after it is used.

  • Speed Modifier 1
    Speeds up the player.
  • Wire Repeater 2
    Delays the slow down.
  • Speed Modifier 2
    Slows down the player.


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Sorry, I mean make a new guide of my answer not change the location of this post.

Well then yes, you can make a guide on that, you don’t need to get approval if it is your own work and you feel like it would be useful.