Shield Can Limit

so you want them to… drink it like they’re supposed to.

The bug hasn’t been fixed.

Yeah… But the shield can limit stops that.

There is no way to detect if a player is holding a certain item. Perhaps make a suggestion for this to be a thing?

Or the devs can just fix this.

Wdym? Nothing is broken right now.

CUZ It’s intentional game design!!!


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Making a limit of 50 when using shield cans, in creative maps that have a max shield of 300 is probably not intended.

intentional, game, DESIGN! >:(

There’s also a method to make healing items do other things, but it requires turning off dropping healing items.

I already said this, and I will say it again.

I will not mark a solution unless the devs address this issue

they don’t look at the bugs catagory

have you already reported it and/or added it to suggestions?

Please move this to suggestions at least!

Josh has replied to bugs posts lol.

guys if you ignore it unless you have something to add
there won’t be any problems

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omg, just stop it’s not worth the trouble

we could say the same about your reply
and again


Of what? Simply letting this be here to notify devs?

they relied to you responding to them but whatever