(Device Suggestion Don't Reply)

What if there was a device called the game rule, when activated it changes the game rules, for example infinite ammo or no reload delay. Changes the in game music, etc. any thoughts on my idea?


(20 character limit)

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I do think that you can mess with the reload delay via blocks(not sure). But it would be great if you could change the ammo and music, even reload in a game, but that would take some time because I don’t think gimkit has thought of this. I would fill out a nolt form so you can maybe have your idea addedd into the game.

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Hi, this sounds like a great idea! I would definitely use it in my game, but this forum is not for suggesting new ideas. If you want to suggest something, you can go to the desolate wastelands we call the nolt. https://gimkit.nolt.io/


Use the symbols <> to bypass the 20 chracter limit.

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Please don’t suggest here. This forum is not for suggestions.

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The settings you change in the map options are pernament.

For the no reload time suggestion, you could try using this guide.

Suggest at

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https://gimkit.nolt.io/8394 I have made a nolt just now you can upvote here if you want!

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lol, same thing as what I said.

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How is this a solution? How does this help at all?

I don’t know. I thought

would be the solution.


What about mine? What determines what is a solution and what’s not.

I just marked a random one so people stop arguing in it

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