I was trying to experiment with a lethal zone. I set the radius of the sentry to match the lethal zone, yet the sentry’s are still targeting me outside of it. Is there any way to resolve this?
Here are 2 images:
This might be a bug- as far as I am aware, the radius should be the area in which either the sentry can fire or is triggered. Have you tried reloading?
No, twofour is not a part of the Gimkit team. They are a moderator here, on the forums, not a Gimkit employee.
I will test this potential bug when I get the chance.
No, it activates when you step into it is all. That’s what the range is, like an area of activation. So the range isn’t what you think it is- how far the sentry can fire depends on the gadget they have.
Perhaps try to make the sentry deactivate on game start, activate it when player enters the lethal zone, and deactivate it when player leaves the lethal zone, make the zone scope on “Player.”